ON MY ROUNDS (On the bike)
Things not seen every day
Brian Venables 28/2/2010
Out to Cattana Wetlands on the highway and back to Edge Hill through Smithfield, Freshwater and Aeroglen.
PHESANT COUCAL- (2) Between Hollaways and Yorkey's turn-offs two birds in duet but not seen. 05:45
WHITE-BROWED CRAKE (2) Dillon Road two birds calling to each other and eventually seen. 05:50
WHITE-BROWED CRAKE (4) At the intersection of Cattana Rd and Yorkey's access. Two pair calling in the medium length grass but not seen. 06:05.
At Cattana Wetlands itself.
BLACK BITTERN- (1) Calling not seen.
All the way through the cane fields SINGING BUSHLARKS were in full song as were TAWNY GRASSBIRDS and GOLDEN HEADED CISTICOLAS. CRIMSON FINCHES and CHESTNUT-BREASTED MANNIKINS were seen but were outnumbered by the SPICE FINCHES.
Regrettably there were 4 road kills along Dunne Road BUSH STONE-CURLEW-WHITE-BREASTED WOODSWALLOW – WATER-RAT (Hydromys chrysogaster)-and an unidentified FRESHWATER TURTLE. An otherwise delightful morning.