Saturday, 6 August 2011

Pogonomys - New animal for Boardwalk

A new mammal for the Centenary Lakes Boardwalk.
This photo was taken by Hidetoshi Kudo (Mikey) on the Centenary Lakes Boardwalk on the 21/7/2011.
We found it on a spotlighting expedition and were surprised and excited to find it. We had it identified by John Winter,Steve Van Dyck and other mammal experts who were equally surprised.
Along with other things like the Bandicoots, Striped Possum,Water Rat and White-tailed Rat it shows the dynamic and vital nature of this habitat.
Let us hope that the Cairns Regional Council realises this vitality in any future plans for development.
Brian Venables

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Meeting With Cairns Regional Council

The following is a copy of some of the conversations I had with Cairns City Council yesterday 12/4/11. The meeting was called by Michael McFadden of CRC in response to my complaints concerning the further clearing of mangrove habitat in Saltwater Creek similar to that done in the Lakes section in 2009. While I feel some progress has been made I also feel very strongly that habitat loss is something we never stop protesting about. Please read the following and make your thoughts on habitat loss known to Cairns City Council.

"Meeting with Cairns Regional Council. Saltwater Creek at Collins Ave. bridge 14:15 – 12/4/11

The Meeting was to discuss the Council's forthcoming work in removing mangrove habitat from Saltwater Creek.

Present at the meeting were Michael McFadden(CRC), Tim Smith (Hydrologist), Russell Wild (CRC), Kevin Colligan (CRC) and myself, Brian Venables.

I started things by asking what guarantee the Council could provide flood victims when this work was complete.

Tim Smith (hydrologist) addressed us saying that this work was inevitable from the time a large portion of the natural ponding sump for the Saltwater Creek catchment was given over to housing development from hitherto farmland. This new work (and that of 2009) he said is to create an artificial sump in the tidal section of Saltwater Creek to replace that lost by this housing development which is above the high tide. He then said it would give flood victims a 30% better chance of avoiding inundation provided luck was on our side with the tides. He further said this is his estimation as a Hydrologist and could see no benefit to flood victims in clearing mangroves downstream of the Cook Hwy. (It is very unfortunate then that the Cairns Airport is about to clear more mangrove habitat in this very section of Saltwater Creek.)

I pointed out that my concern relates to a persistent lack of understanding of the importance of mangroves as habitat and nursery, for a host of land based fauna and Barrier Reef and commercial fish species. This lack of understanding has resulted in a litany of monumental blunders such as East Trinity, Riflerange/Chinaman Creek and Cairns Airport reclamations. This is just to mention three instances and is part of the "death by a thousand cuts"of this most precious habitat. (Everyone at the meeting sympathised with me but all were helpless.)

I mentioned the fact I was aware that Council had conducted a fauna and flora survey in the area to be cleared. This was a promise (which I applauded)  made by Mayor Val Schier in 2009 when Council destroyed large swathes of forest in Saltwater Creek upstream from the Collins Ave. bridge. While I found this survey work encouraging my euphoria was shattered when I realised that the survey was done just four days prior to commencement of the work leaving no time to consider the data.

I also pointed out to the meeting that the fragmentation of habitat has a significant impact . It would be better to leave an in tact corridor instead of alternating from bank to bank. Council agreed as did Qld Fisheries, but alas it is the large forests which occur on an alternating basis, as the river bends, which have to be removed.

Another topic of discussion was on going monitoring to gauge the impact of works such as this. Russell Wild of CRC came in and said Council was looking to JCU in the hope they could see merit in a study project for biology students for this purpose. (Let us keep up pressure for this to happen.)

Finally I asked if certain older trees of the various species that grow on the bank (and never in the creek itself) could be preserved,as happened to a limited extent in 2009. Kevin Colligan of CRC who supervises the work said he would endeavour to flag and preserve such individual trees. This might reduce the impact of fragmentation. (Lets hope he able to do this.)

It was a much better meeting than the one we had prior to the 2009 round of habitat loss. This is notwithstanding the fact that we were once again unsuccessful in preserving these wonderful forests. As Michael McFadden (CRC) recognises, they are as much a part of the attraction of Cairns as a tourist destination as are some of our more well known attractions.

(I would urge all concerned fellows to write to Mayor Val Schier and express our on going desire for environmental protection.) "

Brian L Venables
527 McCormack St.,


Brian L Venables
527 McCormack St.,

Monday, 11 April 2011



I spoke yesterday to a chap doing a fauna survey for Council in Saltwater Creek downstream from the Collins Ave. Bridge. I was at first gladdened by the fact that Council is doing this then I realised that in all
probably this would mean that Council was about to remove more mangroves habitat. Can you tell me if this will happen ?
Later that day I noticed the attached sign telling all that the "marine plant management works" were due to
start on the 11th. April. I must ask is there enough time to consider the data in this fauna survey before
work is to commence ?
With respect to the mangrove habitat removal of 2009 (upstream of Collins Ave bridge) I have grave concerns for the Large-billed Gerygone population (Gerygone magnirostris). This species is heavily dependent on mangroves for habitat and from my personal observations the population in the section of Saltwater Creek where mangroves were removed in 2009 is well down from that prior to the 2009 removal.
We do have data on this population from work done in 2007 by Golo Maurer and others (ANU). This data is available in my attachment "Large-billed Gerygone data". Can I ask the Council to extend the fauna survey to look at the area affected by the 2009 habitat removal and compare this with the data of Golo Maurer of 2007?
I do accept that flood mitigation is the Council's reason for doing this work but I do also have a deep
concern for the environment and the devastating effects of habitat loss.

Brian L Venables

527 McCormack St.,This morning on my rounds I was surprised to see a BLACK BITTERN ♂ in the saltwater lake of the Centenary Lakes at 06:45. In the Centenary Lakes,this largely nocturnal or crepuscular species is of course common in the summer months but has always been absent in the winter (from my observations). The PAPUAN FROGMOUTHS (2) were tucked up against the trunk of a Melaleuca leucadendra beside the footbridge over Saltwater Creek and the COLLARED KINGFISHER was vocal. A trio of BAR-SHOULDERED DOVES was there in the mangroves to break the monotony of the SPOTTED TURTLE-DOVES in surburbia and 3 STRIATED HERONS were counted along Saltwater Creek.
Around the freshwater lake the LITTLE KINGFISHER was busy flashing about with its “sweeet” call and a pair of BLACK DUCKS was in the company of 10 WANDERING WHISTELING-DUCKS.
Along the Fearnley Street drain between Anderson and Grove Streets the STRIATED PARDARLOTE was insisting “rigby-dick” and the  FOREST KINGFISHER chimed in, in what seemed, an expression of sibling rivalry.
Heading to the Esplanade the BRUSH CUCKOO was in full voice outside the Cairns Private Hospital in Upward Street (as it has been for some days now) . The Esplanade itself had a smattering of “all the usual suspects” of waders providing an excellent learning opportunity for anyone starting out in waders. The BLUE-FACE HONEYEATER was not in evidence this morning but has been on the Esplanade during the week the same for the BEACH STONE CURLEW.
The mangroves at the northern end of the Esplanade had a pair of MANGROVE ROBINS at first calling from inside but eventually one came out and began pouncing on lawn grubs (or some such). There was also a SHINING FLYCATCHER calling from the inside the mangroves not too distant from the robins.
As I write (10:30) a PACIFIC BAZA is calling from the Flecker Botanic Gardens outside my window.
Brian Venables.
