Saturday 6 August 2011

Pogonomys - New animal for Boardwalk

A new mammal for the Centenary Lakes Boardwalk.
This photo was taken by Hidetoshi Kudo (Mikey) on the Centenary Lakes Boardwalk on the 21/7/2011.
We found it on a spotlighting expedition and were surprised and excited to find it. We had it identified by John Winter,Steve Van Dyck and other mammal experts who were equally surprised.
Along with other things like the Bandicoots, Striped Possum,Water Rat and White-tailed Rat it shows the dynamic and vital nature of this habitat.
Let us hope that the Cairns Regional Council realises this vitality in any future plans for development.
Brian Venables


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  2. Hi Brian
    It was great reading this as I am now pretty confident it was a pogonomys or melomys that i had in my house out on the rainforest fringe in Caravonica. Not being one to poison or kill things, we set a live trap and the rat like critter had a very long tail but it was not a white tailed rat. When we let it go in the forest at Smithfield it "Hopped" away ! Come in and say gday some time, I have a Shop NightSkySecrets on Lake st in Traveltown, with all thing optical (including Birding Bino's !)

  3. Hi Brian
    It was great reading this as I am now pretty confident it was a pogonomys or melomys that i had in my house out on the rainforest fringe in Caravonica. Not being one to poison or kill things, we set a live trap and the rat like critter had a very long tail but it was not a white tailed rat. When we let it go in the forest at Smithfield it "Hopped" away ! Come in and say gday some time, I have a Shop NightSkySecrets on Lake st in Traveltown, with all thing optical (including Birding Bino's !)

